Asian Idol recap

Well now that Vietnam and India had their new idols, whats next? hmm... Actually the question is, will Mau Marcelo compete? tsk tsk tsk. Its quite obvious that GMA 7(Philippine's Leading Network) is not interested in Mau. and I have NO idea if they will ever give her a contract like they did to runnerups Gian Magdangal and Jan Nieto. soooo Sadd. What if Mau didnt make it? Who will Jaclyn's closest rival be? Phuong Vy? Prashant Tamang? Hady Mirza? In all honest no one is closer to Jaclyn in terms of Vocals. It will definitely be a landslide. Actually Even I, will vote for her. Thats for sure. Unless Mau will compete, Its a sure win for Jaclyn. regardless of whoever Indonesians will choose. End of discussion. But of course who knows right? It depends on the public vote. It depends on who has the charisma and likeability factor. or yet It depends who will get the highest votes.

anyways, Dont forget Asian Idol will be this november. I dont know the exact date yet but for sure it'll be a blast.

by the way, i'll be capping this show so dont forget to bookmark this blog. Thanks


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