I don't want to be another Sonu: Emon

At just 18 years, he's been one of the most popular singers seen on TV lately, and what's more, Emon Chatterjee has often been compared to Sonu Niggaam.
Says Emon, "Javed saab thinks that way, but not Sonu ji who's said my voice isn't remotely similar to his. I'm more than happy to know this. After all, singing style can be emulated, but voice... ?"
But he sure was elated to share the stage with Sonu. "That was my most memorable moment. Never in my dreams had I thought that I'd share the stage with him!" says Emon. When asked if he'd like to be another Sonu, he said, "No, I am happy being my own self."

But, despite being among the top contestants and regarded as a talented voice, isn't he scared of fading into oblivion like many of the earlier winners?
"I really don't know why this happened. I admire Abhijeet Sawant a lot. He's made a brilliant comeback with his latest album. I've heard that even Sandeep Acharya is planning to cut an album. However, I won't let this programme be my stint with 15 minutes of fame. I'm a dedicated soul and would continue to do good music," he says.

source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Entertainment/I_dont_want_to_be_another_Sonu_Emon_/articleshow/2353443.cms


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