Asian Idol Terms and Conditions


Vote for your idol, Asia!
If you wish to have your favorite idol as the winner of Asian Idol competition, please prepare to vote from now. You now can choose 2 of your most favorite idols in one vote, but avoid choosing the same country twice, because that vote would not be valid. Why? Because we have to normalize votes due to population count differences in participating countries. You can vote any two countries soon after the voting lines are opened during the Asian Idol performance show. So stay on your local channel and keep visiting this website for more info because every vote is precious for your idol.

Terms & Conditions

  • Tune in to the main Performance show.
  • Wait for the Host’s cue to call, normally indicated by a saying, “The lines are open now”.
  • Follow the voting instructions given by the Host.
  • Choose your two favorite Idols and vote for them both via phone or SMS.
  • The voting process will continue until announced otherwise, normally indicated by a saying, “The lines are now closed”.
  • Do remember not to vote before the phone lines are officially declared open, and there will be no voting during the Result show.


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